CIDOC documentation: E18 Physical Thing
Features are subunit of a Place and used in archaeological data recording. E.g. graves or buildings of an archaeological site would be considered features.
Form fields
Can be linked via tabs to
Source - use, if a feature is referenced in it
Event - use only for new events. For already existing events link the location in the event form
Reference can be used to add a citation
Stratigraphic unit is used to link a subunit of a feature (e.g. a skeleton (stratigraphic unit) in a grave (feature))
File can be used to add files such as pictures
Super and subunits
In the OpenAtlas database a feature is a subunit of a Place. A Place can consist of one or more subunits called Features (e.g. buildings, graves, pits, ditches, ramparts etc.). Features themselves are structured in the same way as Places and can consist of one or more subunits that are labelled as Stratigraphic unit.